ACEVO Jobs salary transparency

Friday, April 30, 2021

ACEVO Jobs supports and reiterates ACEVO’s commitment to make the charity sector a welcoming and safe space to people from minoritised communities and ethnicities. ACEVO’s recent reports Home Truths and Hidden Leaders, as well as the annual Pay & Equalities survey, show that the sector still has a long way to go to tackle racism and other forms of social injustice and inequality.

ACEVO has signed up to the #ShowTheSalary campaign and will always advertise the salary for all vacancies available within the organisation. This is a simple yet practical step to overcome biases in the recruitment process.

The same principle applies to ACEVO Jobs: we believe that salary transparency is an important step to reduce pay gaps, so all roles posted on the platform are required to show the salary (unless it’s an unpaid role, such as trustee or chair of the board).

To find out more, call 020 7014 4600 or email