Member benefits

ACEVO is the community of charity and social enterprise leaders. We have a diverse membership which includes experienced chief executives of large charities,new chief executives of local groups and the next generation of leaders.

Our benefits are tailored to your needs as they evolve throughout your career. When you take on your first role, we support you through those tricky first 100 days. As your career progresses, we offer ways for you to grow and develop professionally. If things go wrong, we’re here to help with governance.

Through ACEVO you’ll be given the chance to meet other chief executives and expand your network. We also want to make your job supporting society easier - we are constantly campaign for the operating environment your organisation needs.

And we’re always looking to help the next generation of social leaders prepare for their future roles as chief executives: with our leadership development programmes, we want to foster new talent.

We will:  

Support you to develop in your role as a leader:

Campaign to give your charity the operating environment it needs:

Support you to support your organisation:

 Membership fees are based on the income of the organisation you work for, with further details available here. If you’re interested in joining ACEVO, fill in the membership application form or contact the Membership Team by emailing

Join ACEVO - Application Form

 You can find the terms and conditions of membership by clicking here